On April 2016, a 4th leg was added to the Bigfoot Water Rocket Launcher.
Depending on the angle, the rubber tip and 45 degree PVC elbow could be facing forward and rearward, just depending on what works best for stability.

If you already have the launcher prior to April 2016, just make one. Use a 4-3/8” long 1/2” PVC pipe Sch 40 or 80), a 1/2” PVC Male Adapter (sch 40), and a Dash -210 O-Ring (OD-15/16”, ID-3/4”, 1/8” CS). Borrow a 45 degree PVC elbow from another unused leg, and possibly the O-Ring too.
This 4th legs add radical variations of angles. It is always placed in the forward position, facing the rocket. The other 2 legs on this page are not positioned 120 degrees from each other. By experimenting with positioning, you will get various angles from each leg color setting.

40 to 56 Degrees
- Green Leg on Blue
- Red Leg on Red
- Yellow Leg on Yellow

Horizontal (180) to 54 Degrees
- Green Leg on Blue
- Red Leg on Yellow
- Yellow Leg on Red

16 to 54 Degrees
- Green Leg on Blue
- Blue Leg on Red
- Red Leg on Yellow

Horizontal (180) to 54 Degrees
- Green Leg on Blue
- Blue Leg on Yellow
- Red Leg on Red

If you want more variety, there is a 1 liter internal launch tube included with launcher. You can replace the launch tube with the green leg and add even more angles.
Of course, you can cut and make a 5th leg (or more) that is between the lengths of the green leg and the yellow leg. There’s no limit. Have fun!
Learn more about Projection Motion.