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2019 Launcher
superior design!
“Quality & Safety is Priority”
2 liter water rockets launched from a Bigfoot Water Rocket Launcher accelerate to an impressive 125 mph in 1/3 second and travel 500 feet straight up vertical, or 800 feet when launched at 45 degree angle.
Bigfoot Water Rocket Launcher can launch rockets at any angle, from vertical to horizontal (for race cars).
Well-designed and versatile, this new launcher is the outcome of 20 years of listening to customers with a wide range of demands. Precision machined to exact specifications. Built to last. 15 each solid brass fittings and components.
Why Launch Water Rockets? Studying Rocket Simulation creates interest in mathematics, physics and science. It teaches numerous creative construction techniques, such as properly cutting materials (bottles & fins), and using adhesives. Learn what water rocket construction techniques make rockets fly faster and farther. Water Rockets are fun, educational, and inexpensive. They are made from recycled plastic soda bottles. The fins are cut from recycled corrigated plastic sign board.
Instant feedback determines what works and what fails. This process of discovery provides, in Richard Feynman's words, "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out.” (link).
What are Water Rockets? Soda bottles (typically 2 liter size) are modified by adding a nose cone and rocket fins. The rockets are mounted and latched on a water rocket launcher. Main bottle, called the booster, is filled about 1/3 full with water, then pressurised with air to maximum 100 psi (using floor air pump or compressor).
Who buys Water Rocket Launchers? Exceptional for elementary school students through university levels, Bigfoot Water Rocket Launchers are suitable for individuals, institutions, and corporations. Bigfoot Water Rocket Launchers are used by Science Olympiad competitors, summer camps, church groups, YMCA, YWCA, Boy Scouts, elementary and high schools, and major research universities. Spectators and participants all love watching water rockets blast off into the sky!